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Mars Polar Lander Fault Identification Using Model-based Testing

The application of T-VEC to the Mars Polar Lander software identified faults that resulted in the premature shutdown of the lander's descent engine. This paper details how T-VEC was used to find the error.

Model-based Approach to Security Test Automation

This paper summarizes the results of applying a model-based approach to automate functional security testing. Security properties were modeled and the resulting tests were executed against Oracle and Interbase database engines through a fully automated process.

Removing Requirement Defects and Automating Test

This paper discusses model-based development and test automation methods that reduce the time and resources necessary to develop high quality systems. The focus is how organizations have implemented this approach of model-based verification to reduce requirements defects, manual test development effort, and development rework to achieve significant cost and schedule savings.

Using Models for Test Generation and Analysis

This paper describes automated test generation and analysis of specification models. Through the integration of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) model-development and test generation tools, a process has been developed that eliminates most of the traditional testing activities. This approach has been demonstrated to identify many types of specification errors prior to any implementation. The application of the approach is described using an example.

Automatic Generation of Test Vectors for SCR-Style Specifications

This paper describes integrating the Software Cost Reduction (SCR) specification method and the T-VEC (Test VECtor) test vector generation and specification analysis system. The SCR model is mapped to the T-VEC model to support automatic test generation for the underlying SCR specifications. The paper includes an example SCR specification, test vectors generated from the specification, and analysis of the relationships between the model and the resulting test vectors.

T-VEC: A Tool for Developing Critical Systems

This paper describes the specification-based testing and analysis tools, and associated processes, that were used to develop and FAA-certify safety-critical avionics systems in an industrial organization. The paper describes the specification model, method, development environment, and tool qualification approach. The capabilities of the automatic test generator are compared with foundational concepts and related testing strategies and mechanisms.

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